Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders affecting American adults, with nearly 20% of people suffering from some form of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). A momentary stoppage of regular breathing characterizes this condition while you sleep. It’s usually caused when the muscles in the back of your throat can’t keep the airways open. This causes snoring, gasping for air, and other reflexes that impede normal, healthy sleep.
For many years, the only option for identifying the presence and severity of sleep apnea was through laboratory sleep studies. Thanks to advancements in medical science, you now have the option of undergoing these sleep studies from the comfort of your own home with a device like Watermark Medical’s ARES™ Home Sleep Test Solution. Home sleep testing is more effective and comfortable, which translates to a higher reliability and completion rate.
There is a wide range of factors that can cause work performance to suffer. One of the most common reasons for losses in concentration and energy through the workday is not getting enough sleep. Integrating sleep testing into your workday can be the first step in improving your employees' sleep cycle. This will translate to improved productivity and performance, which ultimately raises your bottom line. Home sleep testing with Watermark Medical is an investment that pays for itself.
When employees don’t get enough sleep, they are more likely to make mistakes. Our system makes accidents and mental errors more preventable by enabling workers to have a healthier relationship with sleep. This results in a 73% reduction in preventable workplace accidents.
Watermark Medical programs are entirely customizable with costs that vary based on the type of plan you select. Insurance carriers can cover the cost of testing and treatment, which Watermark helps organize on behalf of the client. In most cases, costs are covered by the employer.
We work with many different companies across a wide range of industries, such as transportation, municipalities, healthcare, first responders, and even finance.
When testing and treating for sleep disorders, the goal is to help employees/participants sleep better and reduce healthcare costs, workplace accident risk, and improve productivity for the employer. Our clients have reported positive changes in these areas.
Watermark will provide the home sleep test to the employee/participant and assist in obtaining prescriptions and providing customer support. An ARES completed home sleep study report will include treatment recommendations from a board-certified sleep physician. There are various forms of sleep therapy that are available to suit the patient's individual needs and diagnostic results. Watermark can assist is facilitating the referral of sleep therapy treatment to a qualified provider network.